full name: Aniela Graciele Stavropoulos
Birthdate: May 8, 1988 || 30
Birthplace: Kos, Greece
Occupation: Owner of Athena Restaurant
Residence: 22 Clark St.
Status: dancing in the moonlight

• • • Born in Kos, Greece and raised there until coming to St. Augustine at the age of 8. She is the oldest of 7 children and values her siblings/family above everything else in her life. She is fiercely protective and will always have their backs no matter what.

• • • Has always had an interest in cooking, went to culinary school after graduation and worked in a well-known St. Augustine restaurant until just after her 27th birthday. After a particularly harrowing run-in with her difficult boss, she was told she could either fall in line or leave and see how well she could do on her own. She chose the latter option and opened her own restaurant which is small but now thriving.

• • • Was engaged to a man she had been dating for several years but when he had trouble accepting the priority she gave to her work, she realized that their relationship was not going to be successful. She called off the engagement on the spot and hasn't had a serious relationship since.


Ezio - younger brother
Moisis - younger brother
Tario - younger brother
Delphina - younger sister